涉嫌走私客舱巡洋舰的一艘疑似走私船在圣地亚哥坠毁;20人获救,9人住院治疗。 A suspected smuggling cabin cruiser capsized off San Diego; 20 rescued, 9 hospitalized.
周六,一艘涉嫌走私的 25 英尺长客舱巡洋舰在圣地亚哥大洋海滩附近倾覆。 A 25-foot cabin cruiser suspected of smuggling capsized near Ocean Beach, San Diego, on Saturday. 救生员和当地冲浪者救出了至少20人;一人接受抗逆转录病毒治疗。 At least 20 people were rescued by lifeguards and local surfers; one person received CPR. 9人住院,当局正在对更多的受害者进行监测。 Nine individuals were hospitalized, and authorities are monitoring for more victims. 没有确认任何死亡事件,也没有在现场逮捕任何人员。 No fatalities were confirmed, and no arrests were made at the scene.