海岸警卫队在萨凡纳河附近从倾覆的船只中救出三人,强调划船安全。 Coast Guard rescues three people from capsized boat near Savannah River, stressing boating safety.
根据旁观者的报告,美国海岸警卫队的 15 英尺长的船在萨凡纳河码头附近倾覆后救出了三人。 The US Coast Guard rescued three people after their 15-foot boat capsized near the Savannah River jetties, following a report from a bystander. 这些人没有受伤,也没有报告任何医疗问题。 The individuals were unharmed and no medical issues were reported. 海岸警卫队强调了划船前在船上配备安全设备的重要性。 The Coast Guard highlighted the importance of having safety equipment on board before boating.