海岸警卫队和当地机构在旧金山湾翻船后营救了18人。 Coast Guard and local agencies rescued 18 people after their boat capsized in San Francisco Bay.
在周六在旧金山湾牡蛎点频道翻船14英尺后,协调救援工作拯救了18人。 Coordinated rescue efforts saved 18 people after their 14-foot boat capsized in San Francisco Bay's Oyster Point Channel on Saturday. 海岸警卫队于上午8时40分接到求救电话,与当地机构合作安全收复所有乘客,他们都是划船俱乐部的成员。 The Coast Guard responded to a mayday call at 8:40 a.m. and worked with local agencies to safely recover all passengers, who were part of a rowing club. 事件发生后没有报告有人受伤,当时船只被波浪击中。 No injuries were reported following the incident, which occurred when the boat was hit by a wave.