SNP 面临警方对财务问题的调查审查,因为会员人数创下十年来的最低点。 SNP faces scrutiny over police investigation into financial matters as membership hits ten-year low.
苏格兰民族党官员知道有警察调查财务问题,但苏格兰警方声称没有提供名单。 SNP officials are aware of police officers investigating financial matters, though Police Scotland claims it did not provide the list. 一份请愿书呼吁对潜在的保护失败和关于诱骗团伙的 “沉默阴谋 ”进行调查,以寻求扩大苏格兰虐待儿童调查。 A petition calls for an inquiry into potential safeguarding failures and "conspiracy of silence" regarding grooming gangs, seeking to expand the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. 与此同时,苏格兰民族党(SNP)的党员人数创下了十年来的最低点,有65,000人离开了该党。 Meanwhile, SNP membership has hit a ten-year low, with 65,000 people leaving the party.