苏格兰官员拒绝披露调查SNP财务不当行为的警官的身份。 Scottish official declines to disclose identities of police officers investigating SNP financial misconduct.
苏格兰司法秘书安吉拉·康斯坦斯(Angela Constance)拒绝披露政府是否知道在苏格兰民族党(SNP)内调查财务不当行为的11名警察的身份。 Scottish Justice Secretary Angela Constance refused to disclose if the government knows the identities of the 11 police officers investigating financial misconduct within the Scottish National Party (SNP). 调查涉及SNP的前首席执行官Peter Murrell和前党司库Colin Beattie,前者被控犯有贪污罪,后者被捕,但未经起诉获释。 The investigation involves Peter Murrell, the SNP's former chief executive, who was charged with embezzlement, and former party treasurer Colin Beattie, who was arrested but released without charge. 反对派议员提出了透明度问题,质疑政府为什么不确认其对这些警官身份的了解。 Opposition lawmakers have raised transparency concerns, questioning why the government won't confirm its knowledge of the officers' identities. Constance引述了她不评论活案件的政策。 Constance cited her policy of not commenting on live cases.