向儿童癌症慈善团队Mikayla捐赠了一辆从丢弃物中节省下来的退休村木制火车。 A retirement village's wooden train, saved from discard, was donated to children's cancer charity Team Mikayla.
在Richmond Villages Letcombe Regis退休村举行的圣诞展上, 向儿童癌症慈善团队Mikayla捐赠了一辆手工木制木制火车。 A handcrafted wooden train from a Christmas display at Richmond Villages Letcombe Regis retirement village was donated to the children's cancer charity Team Mikayla. 由于慈善创始人娜塔莎·比姆斯的建议, 火车由村长园丁搭建, 起初准备被丢弃, Built by the village's head gardener, the train was initially set to be discarded but found a new home thanks to a suggestion by charity founder Natasha Beames. 卡罗尔,退休村的活动负责人, 对火车的新目的表示喜悦。 Carol, the head of activities at the retirement village, expressed joy at the train's new purpose. Mikayla团队由自四岁以来一直患癌症的Mikayla Beames创立, 支持患癌症的儿童, 并获得大英帝国奖章表彰, Team Mikayla, founded by Mikayla Beames who has been living with cancer since age four, supports children facing cancer and has been recognized with a British Empire Medal for its founder's fundraising efforts.