Sarah Wheeler接近5,500公里骑马横跨澳大利亚旅程的终点,为癌症研究筹集280K美元。 Sarah Wheeler nears end of 5,500km horseback journey across Australia, raising $280K for cancer research.
27岁的莎拉·惠勒(Sarah Wheeler)正接近澳洲5500公里长的马背旅程的尾声, 募集超过280,000美元用于癌症研究及她自己的慈善事业“女儿之路”, Sarah Wheeler, 27, is nearing the end of a 5500-kilometer horseback journey across Australia, raising over $280,000 for cancer research and her own charity, A Daughter's Way, which aids those grieving the loss of loved ones. 在失去父母后,惠勒于5月开始了"远方长途旅行",以筹集资金和应对她的悲伤. After losing both parents, Wheeler embarked on the "Outback Long Ride" in May to raise funds and cope with her grief. 她计划于2月22日返回家乡罗韦纳举行社区庆典。 She plans to return to her hometown of Rowena on February 22 for a community celebration.