Wendy Tarplee-Morris因成立小公主信托基金获得MBE, 向癌症病人提供假发。 Wendy Tarplee-Morris received an MBE for founding the Little Princess Trust, which provides wigs to cancer patients.
温迪·塔普利-莫里斯 (Wendy Tarplee-Morris) 在女儿因癌症去世后创立了小公主信托基金 (Little Princess Trust),她被授予 MBE。 Wendy Tarplee-Morris, who founded the Little Princess Trust after her daughter's death from cancer, has been awarded an MBE. 该慈善机构成立于2005年,向接受癌症治疗的儿童提供假发,并捐赠数百万用于研究。 The charity, established in 2005, provides wigs to children undergoing cancer treatment and has donated millions to research. 它每年供应2 000多顶假发,并收到125个国家的毛发捐赠,成为世界上最大的癌症病人假发慈善机构。 It supplies over 2,000 wigs annually and receives hair donations from 125 countries, making it the world's largest wig charity for cancer patients.