巴基斯坦旁遮普邦旁遮普邦计划禁止从事淫秽表演的演员,并吊销对猥亵行为的剧院执照。 Punjab, Pakistan, plans to ban actors in obscene shows and revoke theatre licenses for indecency.
巴基斯坦旁遮普邦政府计划禁止终身参与淫秽表演的演员,并吊销宣传猥亵行为的剧院执照。 The Punjab government in Pakistan plans to ban actors involved in obscene performances for life and revoke theatre licenses promoting indecency. Azma Bukhari部长指示旁遮普省艺术理事会通过剧院业主的书面证词确保遵守规定。 Minister Azma Bukhari directed the Punjab Arts Council to ensure compliance through affidavits from theatre owners. 新的立法将支持各剧院制作关爱家庭的内容,而不遵守规定可能导致处罚和吊销执照。 New legislation will support theatres producing family-friendly content, while noncompliance could lead to penalties and license cancellations.