Morgan Younger警官赞美一位英雄, 因为他阻止了伦敦加油站的刀袭。 Officer Morgan Younger hailed a hero for stopping a knife attack at a London petrol station.
警察摩根杨格(Morgan Younger)在单枪匹马地对付一名手持刀的男子,企图在伦敦东南部刘易斯汉的加油站刺杀另一人后,被赞美为英雄。 Police officer Morgan Younger was hailed a hero after single-handedly tackling a knife-wielding man who was trying to stab another person at a petrol station in Lewisham, southeast London. 杨格解除了攻击者的武装 并阻止了攻击者 直到支援到达 Younger disarmed and restrained the attacker until backup arrived. 嫌犯60多岁时因企图谋杀和持有进攻性武器等罪名被捕。 The suspect, in his 60s, was arrested for attempted murder and possession of an offensive weapon, among other charges. 副助理专员Jon Savell赞扬了Younger的快速思考,他说他的行动可能防止了受害者遭受严重伤害。 Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jon Savell praised Younger's quick thinking, saying his actions likely prevented serious injury to the victim.