伦敦恩菲尔德一名大都会警察被刺伤。 Metropolitan Police officer stabbed in Enfield, London.
一名伦敦警察在伦敦恩菲尔德接到有关一名男子持刀的报警时被刺伤。 A Metropolitan Police officer was stabbed in Enfield, London while responding to a report of a man with a knife. 受伤警察在同事的急救后情况稳定,同事还逮捕了这名涉嫌谋杀未遂的 30 岁嫌疑人。 The injured officer is in stable condition after receiving first aid from fellow officers who also arrested the suspect, a 30-year-old man, on suspicion of attempted murder. 这一事件凸显了警察在维护公共安全过程中每天面临的风险。 The incident highlights the risks officers face daily in their commitment to public safety.