安得拉邦与印度部长会面, 获得国家项目援助及GST救济。 Andhra Pradesh's CM meets Indian ministers, secures aid for state projects and GST relief.
Andhra Pradesh的首席部长N. Chandrababu Naidu在新德里会见了印度的部长们,为国家的发展项目寻求援助,包括连接河流和新加坡参与阿马拉瓦提。 Andhra Pradesh's Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu met with Indian ministers in New Delhi, seeking aid for the state’s development projects, including river interlinking and Singapore’s involvement in Amaravati. 讨论还涉及美国学生在选举后面临的挑战以及经济影响。 Discussions also covered US student challenges post-election and economic impacts. 中央政府已经批准了关于戈达瓦里-彭纳尔河连接的建议, 以及恢复新加坡在阿马拉瓦蒂的参与, The central government has approved the proposals for the Godavari-Pennar river interlinking and the revival of Singapore's involvement in Amaravati, along with a one percent GST reduction for Vijayawada.