Manhunt最后抓住了Toby White 涉嫌偷盗车辆撞车和杀人案 Manhunt ends with capture of Toby White, suspect in stolen vehicle crash and homicide.
哥伦比亚州一次为期两天的搜捕行动以托比·怀特被捕告终。 托比·怀特是Santa Rosa县一次偷车追逐和凶杀案调查的嫌疑人。 A two-day manhunt in Columbia County ended with the capture of Toby White, a suspect in a stolen vehicle chase and a homicide investigation in Santa Rosa County. 搜查开始时,副手试图在一辆被盗的福特卡车上停留交通,导致追逐和撞车。 The search began when deputies attempted a traffic stop on a stolen Ford truck, leading to a chase and crash. 白人利用农村地区逃避捕捉 直到他在Suwannee县被发现 White evaded capture using rural areas until his discovery in Suwannee County. 行动期间,建议当地社区留在室内。 Local communities were advised to stay indoors during the operation.