三名嫌犯在肯塔基州撞了一辆被偷的汽车后,持枪逃到附近。 Three suspects, seen with guns, fled into neighborhoods after crashing a stolen car in Kentucky.
在肯塔基州沃伦县撞了一辆偷来的汽车后,三名嫌犯(称为非裔美国人男子)逃避抓捕。 Three suspects, described as African American men, evaded capture after crashing a stolen car in Warren County, Kentucky. 当副警长注意到一个被偷的尼桑·阿尔蒂马和嫌疑人逃跑,导致桑尼的BBQ坠毁时,追逐开始。 The chase began when deputies noticed a stolen Nissan Altima and the suspects fled, leading to a crash at Sonny's BBQ. 两名嫌犯在逃往邻里时被看到携带枪械。 Two suspects were seen with guns as they fled into neighborhoods. 当局在坠毁的车辆中发现了一支9毫米步枪和其他物品,但没有找到嫌疑人。 Authorities found a 9mm rifle and other items in the crashed vehicle but have not located the suspects.