一次交通拦截导致了 20 英里的追逐,追回了被盗物品,并在南卡罗来纳州逮捕了 Tynathan Luckett。 A traffic stop led to a 20-mile chase, recovery of stolen items, and arrest of Tynathan Luckett in South Carolina.
11月19日, 南卡罗来纳州奥兰治堡县的常规交通站 变成了一个高速追逐 超过20英里的高速追逐 A routine traffic stop in Orangeburg County, South Carolina, on November 19th turned into a high-speed chase spanning over 20 miles. 追击行动导致从列克星顿县追回了一辆失窃的Infiniti Q60和从奥兰治堡县追回的一支失窃步枪。 The pursuit resulted in the recovery of a stolen Infiniti Q60 from Lexington County and a stolen rifle from Orangeburg County. 嫌犯24岁的Tynathan Luckett被捕并被指控犯有多项罪行,包括持有被盗物品和大麻。 The suspect, 24-year-old Tynathan Luckett, was apprehended and charged with multiple offenses including possession of stolen items and marijuana.