联合王国住宅缺乏私人停车位,增加了EV收费费用,减缓了向电动车辆的过渡。 Lack of private parking in UK homes raises EV charging costs, slowing transition to electric vehicles.
在联合王国,没有私人停车的房主面临高昂费用,电动车辆收费有限,阻碍了向电动车辆收费的过渡。 In the UK, homeowners without private parking face high costs and limited access to electric vehicle (EV) charging, hindering the transition to EVs. 近930万户家庭没有私人泊车,依赖公共收费者(每千瓦时费用高达53p/千瓦/小时,而住房收费为8p/小时)构成一个巨大的障碍。 With nearly 9.3 million households lacking private parking, reliance on public chargers—costing up to 53p per kilowatt-hour compared to 8p for home charging—poses a significant barrier. 政府的目标是通过Levi基金扩大公共收费网络,但成本差距依然存在,减缓了化石燃料的转变。 The government aims to expand public charging networks through the Levi fund, but the cost disparity remains, slowing the shift from fossil fuels.