法国总统麦肯(French Macron)的认可率评分创下21%的低纪录, 标志着政治危机。 French President Macron's approval rating hits record low of 21%, marking political crisis.
法国总统埃马纽埃尔(Emmanuel Macron)的认可评级达到21%的新低, French President Emmanuel Macron's approval rating has hit a new low of 21%, according to a recent poll by Ifop for the Journal de Dimanche. 这低于2019年黄风抗争, 79%表示不满。 This is lower than during the 2019 Yellow Vest protests, with 79% expressing dissatisfaction. 马克龙在老年人群中的人气下降了10%, Macron's popularity has dropped by 10% among the elderly, traditionally his base. 他于夏天决定解散议会, 导致选举无果而终, 并引发政治危机。 The decline follows his decision to dissolve parliament in the summer, leading to inconclusive elections and a political crisis.