中国驻迪拜领事馆以电动车辆游行庆祝蛇年, 目的是到2030年实现两千亿美元的贸易。 Chinese consulate in Dubai celebrates Year of the Snake with electric vehicle parade, aiming for $200 billion trade by 2030.
中国驻迪拜总领馆主办了中国新年庆祝蛇年活动,13个中国制造商的60多辆电动车辆列队游行。 The Consulate General of China in Dubai hosted a Chinese New Year celebration marking the Year of the Snake, featuring a parade of over 60 electric vehicles from 13 Chinese makers. 活动强调可持续交通和文化交流,包括传统舞蹈和表演。 The event highlighted sustainable transportation and cultural exchange, with traditional dances and performances. 乌博基安总领事注意到为到2030年达到2 000亿美元贸易所作的努力,重点是技术和清洁能源。 Consul General Ou Boqian noted efforts to reach $200 billion in trade by 2030, focusing on technology and clean energy.