巴格达主办中国-伊拉克庆祝蛇年开始的庆典。 Baghdad hosts China-Iraq celebration marking the start of the Year of the Snake.
伊拉克-中国友谊协会在巴格达的Qasr Aliya餐厅举行庆祝活动,以纪念从蛇年开始的中国春节。 The Iraq-China Friendship Association held a celebration at Qasr Aliya restaurant in Baghdad to mark the Chinese Spring Festival, starting the Year of the Snake. 这次活动以两国文化表演为特色,并突出介绍中伊战略伙伴关系十周年。 The event featured cultural performances from both nations and highlighted the 10th anniversary of the China-Iraq strategic partnership. 中国的崔伟大使赞扬中国公司在伊拉克重建中的作用,强调两国间文化和经济联系。 Chinese Ambassador Cui Wei praised the role of Chinese companies in Iraq's reconstruction, emphasizing the cultural and economic ties between the countries.