博云中文学校举办春节活动,将中国传统与缅甸学生的参与融为一体。 Bowen Chinese School hosts Spring Festival, blending Chinese traditions with Myanmar students' participation.
缅甸仰光的Bowen中国学校以一项文化活动庆祝春季节日, 活动内容包括传统歌曲、舞蹈以及来自各学校约1,000名学生的诗歌朗诵。 The Bowen Chinese School in Yangon, Myanmar, celebrated the Spring Festival with a cultural event featuring traditional songs, dances, and poetry readings by about 1,000 students from various schools. 此次活动已进入第三年, 缅甸学生参与人数也有所增加, Now in its third year, the event has seen increased participation from Myanmar students, fostering a "fraternal" friendship between China and Myanmar. 庆祝活动在仰光国家剧院举行,为文化交流和欣赏提供了一个独特机会。 Held at the National Theatre of Yangon, the celebration offered a unique opportunity for cultural exchange and appreciation.