在索菲亚举行的两次中国新年活动通过表演和语言奖突出展示文化交流。 Two Chinese New Year events in Sofia highlight cultural exchange through performances and language awards.
2月8日在保加利亚索菲亚举办了两场庆祝中国春节的活动。 Two events celebrating the Chinese Spring Festival were held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on February 8. 索菲亚孔子研究所主办了一次活动,由保加利亚中文班的学生表演,并向语言竞赛获奖者颁发奖项。 The Confucius Institute in Sofia hosted one, featuring performances by students from Bulgarian Chinese-language classes and awarding prizes to language competition winners. 在Toplocentra当代艺术中心举行的另一场活动包括一次中国-保加利亚联合音乐会和文化活动。 The other event at the Toplocentrala Center for Contemporary Arts included a joint China-Bulgaria concert and cultural activities. 两者都旨在促进保加利亚青年之间的文化交流和中文研究。 Both aimed to boost cultural exchanges and Chinese language studies among Bulgarian youth.