中国刺绣艺术家刘晓燕在八个国家展示了传统的北京刺绣, Chinese embroidery artist Liu Xiaoyan showcases traditional Beijing embroidery in eight countries for the "Happy Spring Festival" event.
作为“快乐春节”文化活动的一部分, 主刺绣师刘晓燕正在八个国家展示她传统的北京刺绣技能。 Master embroiderer Liu Xiaoyan is showcasing her traditional Beijing embroidery skills across eight countries as part of the "Happy Spring Festival" cultural events. 自2016年以来,北京海外文化交流中心每年都举办活动庆祝中国新年,传播中国文化。 Organized annually since 2016 by the Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchange Center, the event celebrates Chinese New Year and spreads Chinese culture. Liu的示威活动包括带有传统设计的复杂的刺绣制品,活动包括各种活动,如照片展览和北京教科文组织世界遗产遗址的VR展览。 Liu's demonstrations include intricate embroidery pieces with traditional designs, and the events feature various activities such as photo exhibitions and VR displays of Beijing's UNESCO World Heritage sites.