USC学生的广告“理发店”竞争100万多里托斯超级碗奖 USC students' ad "The Barbershop" competes for $1 million Doritos Super Bowl ad contest prize.
南加州大学三名学生 Zach Shenouda、Ryan Robinson 和 Via McBride 凭借他们的广告“The Barbershop”进入了 Doritos 的“Crash the Super Bowl”比赛的决赛。 A trio of USC students—Zach Shenouda, Ryan Robinson, and Via McBride—has made it to the finals of Doritos' "Crash the Super Bowl" competition with their ad, "The Barbershop." 如果他们赢了100万大奖 他们的广告将在超级碗59号播出 If they win the $1 million grand prize, their commercial will air during Super Bowl 59. 投票于1月28日结束, 允许每日重播。 Voting ends on January 28, with daily recasts allowed. 学生们计划用奖金支付他们的船员并资助他们的第一部特别电影。 The students plan to use the prize money to pay their crew and fund their first feature film.