路易斯安那州居民Becca Begnaud的幽默的Doritos广告 正在竞选超级杯LVIII 和100万美元的奖金。 Louisiana resident Becca Begnaud's humorous Doritos ad is in the running for Super Bowl LVIII and a $1 million prize.
来自路易斯安那州的 Becca Begnaud 凭借她的广告“Ashes to Ashes”进入了 Doritos 的“Crash the Super Bowl”比赛的半决赛。 Becca Begnaud, from Louisiana, has made it to the semi-finals of Doritos' "Crash the Super Bowl" contest with her ad "Ashes to Ashes." 比赛让球迷们制作Doritos广告, 比赛将在超级杯LVIII上播放获奖者的广告。 The contest, which lets fans create Doritos commercials, will have its winner's ad air during Super Bowl LVIII. Begnaud的广告,以其幽默闻名 涉及多里托斯尘土和骨灰, 可以赢得她100万美元奖金。 Begnaud's ad, known for its humor involving Doritos dust and an urn, could win her a $1 million prize. 公开投票于1月14日在DoritosCrash.com开始。 Public voting starts on January 14 at DoritosCrash.com.