十名UT学生通过一个独特的方案获得超级碗的幕后经验。 Ten UT students gain behind-the-scenes Super Bowl experience through a unique program.
田纳西大学十名学生将在定于2月9日举办的超级杯LIX获得幕后经验。 Ten University of Tennessee students will get behind-the-scenes experience at Super Bowl LIX, scheduled for February 9th. 通过大橙联合计划,他们将与专业人员建立网络联系,了解企业在事件管理方面的协作情况。 Through the Big Orange Combine program, they will network with professionals and learn about industry collaboration in event management. 教师顾问Debbie Mackey将这一经验描述为梦想成真,它为体育、商业和营销部门提供了宝贵的见解,有可能带来成功的职业生涯。 This experience, described as a dream come true by faculty adviser Debbie Mackey, offers valuable insights into the sports, business, and marketing sectors, potentially leading to successful careers.