美国最高法院审查俄克拉荷马州第一所政府资助的宗教包租学校的案件,测试教会-国家界限。 U.S. Supreme Court to review case on Oklahoma's first publicly funded religious charter school, testing church-state limits.
美国最高法院将审查一个案例,质疑俄克拉荷马州能否建立第一所由政府资助的宗教特许学校,即塞维利亚天主教虚拟学校圣伊西多尔。 The U.S. Supreme Court will review a case challenging whether Oklahoma can establish the first publicly funded religious charter school, St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School. 俄克拉荷马州最高法院先前曾封锁学校,裁定学校违反了教会与州分立原则。 The Oklahoma Supreme Court previously blocked the school, ruling it violated church-state separation. 该案可以重新界定公共资金如何支持宗教教育,预期在夏初作出一项决定。 The case could redefine how public funds can support religious education, with a decision expected by early summer.