俄亥俄州将公共资金分配给基督教学校,引起对教会和州分立的担忧。 Ohio allocates public funds to Christian schools, raising concerns over separation of church and state.
俄亥俄州推出了一个新的方案,将公共资金分配给基督教学校,引起宪法关注。 Ohio has introduced a new program allocating public funds to Christian schools, sparking constitutional concerns. 国家正在利用其预算盈余的一部分赠款扩大和翻修宗教学校,大多数受益项目与保守的倡导团体基督教道德中心挂钩。 The state is using part of its budget surplus for grants to expand and renovate religious schools, with most benefiting projects linked to the Center for Christian Virtue, a conservative advocacy group. 批评者认为这违反了教会与国家的分离, 而支持者则认为这解决了凭单方案的能力问题。 Critics argue this violates the separation of church and state, while supporters say it addresses capacity issues in voucher programs. 一次性战略社区投资基金向这些项目提供了490万美元,面对美国联合起来促进教会和国家分离等团体的反对。 The One-Time Strategic Community Investment Fund has granted $4.9 million to these projects, facing opposition from groups like Americans United for Separation of Church and State.