阿联酋对未按时缴纳月税的公司每月处以14%的罚款。 The UAE imposes a 14% monthly penalty on corporations that miss their monthly tax deadline.
阿联酋联邦税务局(FTA)宣布,未按时缴纳月度公司税的公司将从截止日期的次日开始,对未付金额处以14%的月罚款。 The UAE's Federal Tax Authority (FTA) announced that corporations missing their monthly corporate tax deadline will face a 14% monthly penalty on the unpaid amount, starting the day after the deadline. 有关税期结束后九个月内,根据《联邦法令》,必须缴税。 The tax must be paid within nine months of the end of the relevant tax period, according to Federal Decree-Law No. 2022年的47个 47 of 2022.