恐怖分子在Bhatodi附近与印度陆军部队交火,没有人员伤亡的报告。 Terrorists exchanged fire with Indian Army troops near Bhatodi, with no reported casualties.
2025年1月25日,恐怖分子在查谟和克什米尔的Kathua区Bhatodi临时营地附近与印度陆军部队交火。 On January 25, 2025, terrorists exchanged fire with Indian Army troops near a temporary camp in Bhatodi, Kathua district, Jammu and Kashmir. 军队发起了搜索行动,以找到逃入附近森林的攻击者。 The Army launched a search operation to find the attackers who fled into a nearby forest. 没有人员伤亡的报道。 No casualties were reported. 发生这一事件时,正为定于次日举行的共和国日庆祝活动采取加强安全措施。 This incident occurred as heightened security measures were being put in place for Republic Day celebrations scheduled for the next day.