安全部队与恐怖分子在斯利那加附近的Zabarwan森林发生枪战;没有人员伤亡的报告。 Gunfight breaks out between security forces and terrorists in Zabarwan forest near Srinagar; no casualties reported.
11月10日, 安全部队与恐怖分子在斯利那加市附近的Zabarwan森林爆发枪战。 On November 10th, a gunfight erupted between security forces and terrorists in Zabarwan forest, near Srinagar city. 约上午9时左右,在根据有关Dachigam和Nishat附近地区恐怖分子存在的情报开展警戒和搜查行动之后,该接触开始。 The encounter started around 9 am, following a cordon and search operation initiated based on intelligence about terrorist presence in the area connecting Dachigam and Nishat. 没有人员伤亡的报告。 No casualties have been reported.