普渡制药公司和萨克勒家族同意支付 74 亿美元来解决阿片类药物危机诉讼。 Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family agree to pay $7.4 billion to settle opioid crisis lawsuits.
普渡制药公司和萨克勒家族将支付 74 亿美元,以解决由其药物奥施康定引起的阿片类药物危机的诉讼。 Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family will pay $7.4 billion to settle lawsuits over the opioid crisis caused by their drug OxyContin. 和解资金将用于治疗和预防计划。 The settlement funds will go towards treatment and prevention programs. 萨克勒夫妇将在 15 年内支付高达 65 亿美元,普渡大学将出资 9 亿美元。 The Sacklers will pay up to $6.5 billion over 15 years, with Purdue contributing $900 million. 萨克勒夫妇还将放弃对公司的控制权,不能在美国销售阿片类药物。 The Sacklers will also give up control of the company and cannot sell opioids in the U.S. 和解协议并不能保护他们免受未来的诉讼。 The settlement does not shield them from future lawsuits.