麦肯锡公司支付了6500万美元,以解决与普渡制药公司提高阿片类药物销售相关的费用。 McKinsey & Company pays $650M to settle charges linked to boosting opioid sales for Purdue Pharma.
麦肯锡公司同意支付6.5亿美元,以解决与阿片类药物制造商普渡制药公司合作相关的联邦指控,这有助于提高奥施康定的销售。 McKinsey & Company agreed to pay $650 million to settle federal charges related to its work with opioid maker Purdue Pharma, which helped boost sales of OxyContin. 如果麦肯锡遵守条件,包括五年内不从事受控物质工作,该交易将避免刑事起诉。 The deal avoids criminal prosecution if McKinsey adheres to conditions, including not working on controlled substances for five years. 麦肯锡前合伙人马丁·艾林 (Martin Elling) 同意承认妨碍司法公正的罪名。 Former McKinsey partner Martin Elling agreed to plead guilty to obstruction of justice. 自 2006 年以来,普渡大学向麦肯锡支付了超过 9300 万美元的服务费用,其中包括增加奥施康定销售的策略,这加剧了美国的阿片类药物危机。 Purdue paid McKinsey over $93 million since 2006 for services that included strategies to increase OxyContin sales, contributing to the U.S. opioid crisis.