普渡制药公司和萨克勒家族就阿片类药物危机角色达成 74 亿美元的和解协议。 Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family agree to a $7.4 billion settlement over opioid crisis role.
普渡制药公司和萨克勒家族已就他们在阿片类药物危机中的作用达成 74 亿美元的和解协议。 Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family have agreed to a $7.4 billion settlement over their role in the opioid crisis. 萨克勒家族将在 15 年内支付 65 亿美元,而普渡大学将预付近 9 亿美元。 The Sacklers will pay $6.5 billion over 15 years, while Purdue will contribute nearly $900 million upfront. 该交易必须得到法院的批准,结束了萨克勒家族对普渡大学的控制,并禁止他们在美国销售阿片类药物。和解资金将支持全国各地的阿片类药物治疗和预防计划。 The deal, which must be approved by the court, ends the Sacklers' control of Purdue and bars them from selling opioids in the U.S. Settlement funds will support opioid treatment and prevention programs across the country.