查尔斯国王公共建筑的官方肖像揭幕。 King Charles’ official portrait for public buildings unveiled.
作为备受争议的 800 万英镑政府资助计划的一部分,一幅身着军装的查尔斯国王的新官方肖像公布,该肖像将悬挂在英国各地的公共建筑中。 A new official portrait of King Charles in military regalia which will hang in public buildings across the UK as part of a controversial £8million government-funded scheme has been unveiled. 照片中,国王身穿皇家海军海军上将制服,展示着勋章和荣誉。 The picture shows the monarch wearing his Royal Navy uniform as an Admiral of the Fleet with medals and honours on display. 该照片由摄影师雨果·伯南德 (Hugo Burnand) 去年拍摄,他还拍摄了国王和王后的加冕肖像以及他们 2005 年的结婚照,并将取代英国女王伊丽莎白二世在全国各地公共机构拍摄的照片。 It was captured last year by photographer Hugo Burnand, who also took the King and Queen’s coronation portraits and their 2005 wedding photos, and will replace those of Queen Elizabeth II at public institutions up and down the country.