一名18岁的嫌疑人在被扣为人质时向Aurora警察开火后死亡。 18-year-old suspect died after opening fire on Aurora police during a hostage situation.
一名18岁的嫌疑人在因室友纠纷导致的人质状况中向Aurora警察开火后死亡。 An 18-year-old suspect died after opening fire on Aurora police during a hostage situation stemming from a roommate dispute. 警方谈判释放一名人质,但嫌疑人向警察开枪,他们还击。 Police negotiated the release of a hostage, but the suspect shot at officers, who returned fire. 他后来死在医院。 He later died in the hospital. 所涉官员按照标准协议休带薪行政假。 The involved officer is on paid administrative leave, following standard protocol. 另外,丹佛一名男子被致命枪杀;警方正在调查这起杀人事件。 Separately, a man was fatally shot in Denver; police are investigating that incident as a homicide.