佛罗里达州发生枪战,造成两人死亡、两名警察受伤。 Two people were killed and two police officers injured in a Florida shootout.
在佛罗里达州棕榈湾的一场枪战中,包括一名嫌疑人在内的两人死亡,两名警察受伤。 Two people, including a suspect, were killed and two police officers were injured in a shootout in Palm Bay, Florida. 这起事件发生在警察接到家庭骚乱电话后。 The incident occurred after officers responded to a domestic disturbance call. 他们遇到一名 24 岁武装男子,他向他们开枪。 They encountered an armed 24-year-old man who fired at them. 嫌疑人逃离现场,警察使用致命武力消除威胁。 The suspect fled the scene, and the officers used lethal force to neutralize the threat. 棕榈湾警察局长马里亚诺·奥格洛赞扬了警察的行动。 Palm Bay Police Chief Mariano Augello praised the officers' actions.