爱尔兰的天气服务 警告雪和冰, 使旅行危险 在Donegal一夜之间。 Ireland's weather service warns of snow and ice, making travel dangerous in Donegal overnight.
爱尔兰气象局Met Éireann向Donegal发出雪冰警告,从今晚9点开始,到明天上午9点。 Met Éireann, Ireland's weather service, has issued a snow and ice warning for Donegal, effective from 9pm tonight until 9am tomorrow. 对冰块和雪淋雨发出警告警报,这些警报可能会在受影响的期间造成旅行危险。 The warning alerts for icy patches and snow showers that could make travel dangerous during the affected period.