火摧毁了帕萨迪纳犹太寺庙 但发现了神秘的古代壁画 象征着希望 Fire destroys Pasadena Jewish Temple but uncovers mysterious ancient mural, symbolizing hope.
Eaton大火摧毁了Pasadena犹太寺庙和中心,但暴露了一个隐藏的壁画。 The Eaton fire destroyed the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center, but revealed a hidden mural. 这幅壁画描绘了古代人、动物和活动的生活景象,在一堵墙被烧毁之后出现。 The mural, depicting a scene of life in ancient times with people, animals, and activities, appeared after a wall burned away. 虽然其确切来源不明,但它给教会带来了希望。 While its exact origin is unclear, it has brought hope to the congregation. 拉比和教士拯救了13托拉 并计划重建圣殿 The rabbi and staff saved the 13 Torahs and plan to rebuild the temple. 这幅壁画被视为恢复力和生命富足的象征。 The mural is seen as a symbol of resilience and life's abundance.