伊顿大火损坏了帕萨迪纳犹太寺庙;正在进行的重建和援助流离失所家庭的努力。 Eaton Fire damages Pasadena Jewish Temple; efforts underway to rebuild and aid displaced families.
伊顿大火严重破坏了帕萨迪纳犹太神庙和中心,但抢救的物品包括一扇黑色的六点大卫之星门和一幅带有人物、动物和陶器的壁画。 The Eaton Fire severely damaged the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center, but salvaged items include a black six-point Star of David gate and a mural with figures, animals, and pottery. 大火导致大约 45 个家庭流离失所,使 30 个犹太教堂家庭无家可归。 The fire displaced about 45 families and left 30 synagogue families without homes. 寺庙领导人正在寻找临时空间,并通过他们的网站和 GoFundMe 接受捐款,以帮助重建工作。 Temple leaders are seeking temporary spaces and accepting donations through their website and GoFundMe to aid in rebuilding efforts.