代表们在恩格尔伍德开枪打死了肖恩·拉弗特 (Shawn Ravert),他是一名出现幻觉并手持刀的冰毒成瘾男子。 Deputies shot and killed Shawn Ravert, a meth-addicted man hallucinating and armed with a knife, in Englewood.
Inglewood, 夏洛特县, 副警长开枪打死Shawn Ravert, 此人曾吸毒上瘾, In Englewood, Charlotte County, deputies shot and killed Shawn Ravert, a man with a history of meth addiction who was reportedly hallucinating and behaving erratically. 在邻居打电话给当局后,议员发现Ravert手持刀子,拒绝服从命令,不放下武器。 After a neighbor called authorities, deputies found Ravert armed with a knife who refused to comply with orders to drop it. 尽管有人试图缓和局势,但Ravert向副手推进,导致枪击,17发子弹中有12发击中他。 Despite attempts to de-escalate, Ravert advanced toward the deputies, leading to the shooting where he was struck by 12 of the 17 rounds fired. 事件被摄于身上的摄像头上. The incident was captured on body-worn cameras.