Brevard县家庭骚乱期间,副警长开枪打死武装人员;事件被称为“警察自杀”。 Deputy shoots and kills armed man during Brevard County domestic disturbance; incident called "suicide by cop."
在佛罗里达的Brevard县,一名副警长在Viera的一次家庭骚乱中开枪打死了一名男子,当时他拒绝投降,并用枪指着副警长,走出家门。 In Brevard County, Florida, a deputy shot and killed a man during a domestic disturbance in Viera after he refused to surrender and exited the home with a gun, pointing it at the deputies. Wayne Ivey警长把它描述为"警察自杀"事件 Sheriff Wayne Ivey described it as a "suicide by cop" incident. 所涉副手在进行调查期间被安排休带薪行政假。 The deputy involved has been placed on paid administrative leave while an investigation is conducted.