两名嫌犯 博伊德和富兰克林 在洛克山毒品交易中 发生致命枪战后 面临谋杀指控 Two suspects, Boyd and Franklin, face murder charges after a fatal shootout during a drug deal in Rock Hill.
11月4日Rock Hill的毒品交易失败, 一名男子因头部中枪受伤而死亡。 A man died from a gunshot wound to the head during a failed drug deal in Rock Hill on November 4. 最初,21岁的克里斯托弗·博伊德和19岁的德米特里斯·富兰克林嫌疑人声称受害者试图抢劫他们,但调查人员发现他们卖毒品。 Initially, suspects Christopher Boyd, 21, and Demetris Franklin, 19, claimed the victim tried to rob them, but investigators found they were selling drugs. Boyd和Franklin被控殴打、持有毒品,Franklin被控在暴力犯罪中使用火器。 Boyd and Franklin were charged with assault, drug possession, and Franklin with using a firearm in a violent crime. 被害人死亡后,对两人都发出了谋杀罪逮捕令。 With the victim's death, murder warrants were issued for both. 博伊德被捕,富兰克林被转移到洛克山法律中心。 Boyd was arrested, while Franklin was transferred to the Rock Hill Law Center.