德里高等法院批准对树进行移植以扩大最高法院,预计很快将开始。 Delhi High Court approves tree transplants for Supreme Court expansion, set to begin soon.
德里高等法院允许在最高法院移植26棵树,以便扩建建筑物,包括增设审判室和改善设施。 The Delhi High Court has permitted the transplantation of 26 trees at the Supreme Court to allow for building expansion, which includes additional courtrooms and improved facilities. 该项目旨在尽量减少环境影响,并向森林干事提交一份详细的植树计划。 The project aims to minimize environmental impact, with a detailed tree transplant plan submitted to the Forest Officer. 第一阶段将很快开始,预计需要29个月左右。 The first phase is set to start soon, expected to take about 29 months.