最高法院禁止未经批准砍伐孟买Aarey殖民地的树木,监测地铁项目。 Supreme Court bans tree felling in Mumbai's Aarey colony without approval, monitors metro project.
在孟买大都会铁路公司声称没有待决的砍树提案之后,最高法院未经批准,又禁止在孟买Aarey殖民地进一步砍伐树木。 The Supreme Court has banned further tree felling in Mumbai's Aarey colony without its approval, following the Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation's claim of no pending tree-cutting proposals. 法院正在监测这一情况,因为注意到2019年学生反对为地铁工程砍伐树的请愿书。 The court is monitoring the situation since taking note of a 2019 student's petition against tree felling for the metro project. 案件将于3月5日再次审理。 The case will be heard again on March 5.