Butler县当局证实57岁的Damien Varner在SUV沉入大迈阿密河后溺死。 Butler County authorities confirm 57-year-old Damien Varner drowned after his SUV submerged in the Great Miami River.
Butler县当局查明了一名57岁的老人Damien Varner,他在SUV沉入大迈阿密河后死亡。 Butler County authorities identified a 57-year-old man, Damien Varner, who died after his SUV submerged in the Great Miami River. 该车辆是在一份失踪人员报告之后被发现的,其中确认尸体是使用水下无人机在车内发现的。 The vehicle was found following a missing person report, with the body confirmed inside using an underwater drone. 紧急小组在冰冻条件下工作 以救回Varner的尸体, 他的死亡被裁定为意外溺水。 Emergency teams worked in freezing conditions to recover Varner's body, with his death ruled as accidental drowning.