一名 53 岁男子在遗产公园附近的大迈阿密河钓鱼时被发现溺水身亡。 53-year-old man found deceased by drowning in Great Miami River near Heritage Park while fishing.
一名 53 岁男子的尸体在科勒雷恩遗产公园附近的大迈阿密河中被发现。 53-year-old man found deceased in Great Miami River near Heritage Park in Colerain. 接到失踪报告后,包括科勒雷恩警察和消防部门在内的救援队正在搜寻这名正在钓鱼的男子。 Rescue crews, including Colerain police and fire departments, searched for the man who was fishing, after he was reported missing. 潜水员在距离原来捕鱼地点不远处发现了他的尸体。 Divers found his body not far from the original fishing spot. 死亡原因是溺水。 The cause of death was drowning.