副总统JD Vance 和总统特朗普 在国家购物中心演讲 生命大游行,反对堕胎。 Vice President JD Vance and President Trump address the March for Life, opposing abortion, at the National Mall.
JD Vance副总统和Donald Trump总统将在周五的全国购物中心的年度“生命三月”活动上讲话。 Vice President JD Vance and President Donald Trump will address the annual March for Life event on Friday at the National Mall. Vance将亲自发言,标志着他上任以来第一次公开露面,而Trump将通过北卡罗来纳州的视频发表他的讲话。 Vance will speak in person, marking his first public appearance since taking office, while Trump will deliver his remarks via video from North Carolina. 反对堕胎的活动包括其他发言者,如参议院多数党领袖John Thune议长Mike Johnson和佛罗里达州州长Ron DeSantis。 The event, which opposes abortion, includes other speakers such as Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Majority Leader John Thune, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. 这是自Roe诉Wade案被推翻以来的第三次生命游行。 This is the third March for Life since Roe v. Wade was overturned.