前总统特朗普将在印第安纳波利斯向反堕胎基督教组织丹伯里研究所发表演讲。 Former President Trump to address pro-life Christian group, The Danbury Institute, in Indianapolis.
前总统特朗普将向基督教组织丹伯里研究所发表讲话,呼吁“彻底根除”堕胎。 Former President Trump will address a Christian group, The Danbury Institute, that calls for abortion to be "eradicated entirely." 该组织的立场与特朗普作为共和党预定候选人对这一问题的持续关注一致。 The group's stance aligns with Trump's ongoing focus on the issue as the presumptive Republican nominee. 丹伯里研究所正在印第安纳波利斯举行会议,与南方浸信会年会同期举行,特朗普的虚拟演讲将于周一进行。 The Danbury Institute is meeting in Indianapolis in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Trump's virtual speech is set to take place on Monday.