特朗普将在8月26日在底特律举行的第146届国民警卫协会会议上发言. Trump to speak at 146th National Guard Association conference in Detroit on August 26.
前总统特朗普定于8月26日在底特律美国第146届大会和展览会国民警卫队协会发言,向4 000多名与会者,包括来自所有50个州、领土和华盛顿特区的陆军和空军国民警卫队军官发言。 Former President Trump is set to speak at the National Guard Association of the United States' 146th General Conference & Exhibition in Detroit on August 26, addressing over 4,000 attendees, including Army and Air National Guard officers from all 50 states, territories, and Washington D.C. 会议旨在了解下届政府对国民警卫队的支持及其在国防战略中的作用。 The conference aims to understand the next administration's support for the National Guard and its role in the National Defense Strategy. Trump Trump以前曾在2016年协会会议上发言,传统上,自1992年以来选举期间,两位总统候选人都参加了选举。 Trump previously spoke at the association's conference in 2016, and traditionally, both presidential candidates participate during election years since 1992.