英国有90亿英镑与劳斯莱斯交易 以支持核潜艇 保障就业和储蓄 UK signs £9 billion deal with Rolls-Royce to support nuclear submarines, securing jobs and savings.
联合王国国防部与劳斯莱斯-罗伊斯签署了一项为期八年的90亿英镑合同,以支持皇家海军潜艇的核反应堆。 The UK Ministry of Defence has signed an £9 billion, eight-year contract with Rolls-Royce to support nuclear reactors for the Royal Navy's submarines. 该协议被称为“团结”,旨在保障4 000个工作岗位,创造1 000多个新的就业机会。 Known as "Unity," the deal aims to safeguard 4,000 jobs and create more than 1,000 new ones. 预计通过提高效率和鼓励具有成本效益的生产,包括钻洞船的工作,它将节省4亿多英镑。 It's expected to save over £400 million by improving efficiency and incentivizing cost-effective production, including work on the Dreadnought Class vessels. 国防部长John Healey强调了该合同在促进国家安全和经济增长方面的作用。 Defence Secretary John Healey highlighted the contract's role in boosting national security and economic growth.